My former English teachers would be hysterically laughing if they were to know that I am sat writing a blog post right now. I mean, don't get me wrong, the thoughts and ideas are all there, just the spelling, punctuation, and all round good writings skills are not. Can I get a Hallelujah for auto correct. I am soooo good at talking... if I just write what I think I can't go far wrong, right?
Side note: what you don't know, that has just happened is even auto correct couldn't help me spell Hallelujah. Can I now get a Hallelujah for google and Alexandra Burke? No? Too much? Ok.
Literacy aside, I have taken in upon my self to catalog lots of what I get up to. So expect lots of pictures, I mean lots of pictures. Weddings, family shoots and general Charlotte life.
Looking forward to February... (because "looking forward to January" is so cliche)
Ps. leave all spelling & grammar errors in the comments below, you would think criticisms would bother me, but no, it's been happening all my life.
Speak soon
C x